Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tea With Whimsy

One of the reasons I joined Patreon was to help inspire me and keep me disciplined to carry on with my writing.  I had allowed myself to relegate story telling to my lowest priority.  

Tea With Whimsy was a story I began writing on September 15, 2013 because I couldn't sleep at night.  It was a way to lose myself in a story.  To sooth my mind, and keep it from cycling through a to do list which was keeping me awake.

I stopped writing for nearly two years, and decided Patreon would help get me back on track.  And while it did get me writing and creating constantly since joining in mid August, I still have not gotten back to work on Tea With Whimsy, which is the story I love to write above all others.

So now I'd like to share the very first lines of Tea With Whimsy, which began with a post I titled...

A Bedtime Story I Tell Myself

It's after Midnight, and I find that I can not sleep.  So I slip out my front door and into the night.  My feet find the way for me...They read the ground...They know it even through my shoes.  And my spine stretches up and up into the night air.  I grow taller as I walk.

My feet take me off the paved road and onto the road not paved.  The road that has grass growing between the tire tracks, and around me in the darkness I get glimpses of four legged folk.  Some are wild and some live with people.

On I walk.  The night air tickles my nostrils with scent of green and earth and water...some fragrances come stronger in certain places, like the spot along the road where the fragrance of cedar stands out stronger than it had been, or where the road comes close to a small stream and the smell of the water comes to you even before the song of the water reaches your ears.

I look back, and I see Coyote following behind me.

I laugh at him and he laughs back.

And Owl laughs too, because he gets the joke.

And a little rustle of laughter rises up from the land around me in the stones and the plants and the water and the wind.  And the frogs decide this would be a good time to resume their song.

Ahead in the darkness, I can see the dim moonlight glow off a white picket fence.  My hand finds the latch and as I step through the gate, the clouds part to reveal the face of the waxing moon nearly full, lighting the grounds of the cottage which is Whimsy's house.

And at that, I practically trip over her bent over there in the path gathering herbs in the moonlight.

I'm tired -- more later...

Do frogs sing after midnight?  You bet they do.

And that was the beginning of Tea With Whimsy.  I hope you enjoyed that little tiny bit of it.  I enjoyed writing it.  Night after night, I would post a little bit more whenever I couldn't sleep.  And always it would relax me and help to heal me of insomnia as I would write.

Later, as it became a growing story, I stopped blogging it and began to write it in earnest as a full length book.  Then for some reason, I no longer remember, I stopped and just never got back to it.

But I'm ready to pick up the threads again and hopefully see it through to the end.

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