Sunday, August 30, 2015

Learning To Push The Easy Button

I have long realized that I seem to do everything the hard way.  But recently I became determined to install an Easy Button on my life.

Where does one get an easy button?  All you gotta do is ask.  Which I did.  I asked the powers that be, and now I am noticing a difference.

I am actually making choices right now that save me time and effort.  Choices which are allowing me to be productive.  And I'm learning to ask for help.

There's a difference between asking for help that you really need, and being pressured to accept help that you don't need and I'm learning to distinguish that difference.

There is a specific energy that goes with having an Easy Button.  It is different from the overwhelm, I have been used to experiencing these last two years or so.  It feels like ease and grace.  It feels like tranquility.

I have to say, I'm really enjoying it.  I just hope it comes with a life time warranty.  

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