Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Crowd Sourcing for Permaculture Project

Aren't they cute?  Every year, one of my hens does me a favor and decides to go broody.  These are my latest batch of chicks hatched out in August.  They're 4 months old now, and almost as big as the full grown hens.

I have been putting permaculture practices to work on my place and it has made an incredible difference to the land.  

Now I am in the process of getting my certification as a Permaculture Designer.  I will be designing Permaculture Systems to help people provide their own resources sustainably and to help rehabilitate the planet.  I think it's pretty noble work, and now it has called to me.

I'm reaching out to do some fund raising, so I can afford to take the course for this coming year.  A year long permaculture design course, very detailed and very in depth.

Please go to my fundraising page on Go Fund Me, if you'd like to contribute.

Thanks for reading.

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